Saturday 2 March 2013

Adoption is the Heart of Predestination.

Adoption is the heart of predestination.

He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will” – Ephesians 1 v 5

Adoption is the heart of predestination. For many, many Christians the whole idea of God pre-choosing some people to be saved and rejecting others is just too overwhelming.

But predestination is not really about individual salvation but about how we connect to God.  Predestination is about relating to God through His righteousness and not our own self-righteousness.  God predestined everyone to be justified by Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross.  There is only one way to God and that is through Jesus and that plan was predestined to bring us into a relationship with God where we would be adopted as His joint-heirs receiving all the riches of heaven.

Everyone has had their sins forgiven at the cross; everyone can enter into the predestination God has provided, all we have to do is to accept the call of Christ through his death and trust him instead of ourselves for salvation.

As we believe he justifies us and he glorifies us, through our union with him. The living God enters into our mortal bodies and we become one with him, adopted into the family of God.

As Andrew Womack explains adoption is a severing of our old life and the start of a new life: -
“Adoption" was a term used only by the apostle Paul in scripture. It found its roots in Roman culture rather than of the Jews. Through adoption old ties were severed and the new father now became full owner of the child with all legal rights. In Rome a slave could have the full rights of that of a Roman citizen through adoption. Through adoption the believer now has had all ties severed from his old master and has now become the property of His heavenly Father as an heir and joint-heir with Jesus Christ. “

The cry of our heart through adoption is ‘Father!’.  A deep emotional response to the overwhelming love and grace we receive through Christ. We know God and God dwells is us.

His eternal plan was to bring into his royal family through the death of his Son and we now receive all the blessings of heaven predestined for us in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. nice...adoption makes for a fine metaphor...and is probably the best i have heard it described...nice...and what a new family it is that we join...


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