Monday 28 August 2023

The Ripe Grapes

 28/8 - “The Ripe Grapes”

I heard, “Today is the day of harvesting the ripe grapes.”

Numbers 13 : 20 - “…. It happened to be the season for harvesting the first ripe grapes.”

“My Treasure, the harvest is ripe, the grapes are ripe for picking. You don’t have to wait to harvest the ripe fruit of the harvest. I have given you the new season of my harvest. The soil is fertile, the soil of the finished work of Christ is rich in grace and full of provision. All things now work for your good because the harvest of the cross is your sustainable land of my promises. 

The rich grapes of the new season will Produce the best wine of the new season. The wine will overflow, with new life, every drop of this wine will overflow with my commitment to you. It will be unlike any wine you have ever drunk or tasted, it will be my wine of life and love into you.

The rich grapes of my harvest are given to you, let my new rich grapes grow and excel in the new rich, fertile soil of your life in Christ.”

Sunday 27 August 2023

Drink Deeply

 27/8 - “Drink Deeply”

I heard, “Drink deeply.”

Isaiah 66 : 11 -“Drink deeply of her glory even as an infant drinks at his mother’s comforting breasts.”

My Treasure this is a time to come and drink deeply of all the nourishment I have for you. Don’t hold back, don’t shy away, for this is a day I want to nourish you. I have provided all you need, I am reaching out and inviting you to come and drink deeply.

In this season come and fill up with my life, my abundance, my promises and my grace. My nourishment has been provided for you, to hold you, sustain you and make you flourish. My desire is that you thrive, so drink deeply and let my Spirit rise in you, and fill your thoughts and mind with the truth of my word.”