Monday 18 January 2021

Let Christ Guard Your Heart


Christ passionately loves you and He has bonded himself to you.

His power is now your power, His life is your life.

He is your rock of salvation, the living rock that has been given to you in Christ.

His rock of love has been planted into your heart.

He has made your heart his fortress. He has hidden himself into you. He is made his paths flow through your life. He has made you impregnable by His Holy Spirit and no evil can assail you.

For Christ is your strength and His love is a shield that surrounds you. Let the Guardian of all life, guard your heart

Allow your thoughts, emotions, feelings, to be cemented in the truth of your new creation life. The guardian of the universe is alive in you to guard your heart.

Don’t be overwhelmed by circumstances, don’t be overcome by negative thoughts, and don’t be overtaken by feelings of inadequacy.

Christ in you is the power to overcome and know the abundant life of his victory.

Breathe in the deep, fulfilling power of the Holy Spirit; connect with the presence of Christ in your spirit.

Let the Guardian of all life, guard your heart

Monday 11 January 2021

Christ Breathe's Life Into Us.

Christ comes to us with healing in his hands.

Christ comes to us as the way, the truth and the life.

He comes to us to lift our burdens, take our heaviness, breathe life into our exhausted existence and welcome us home in our alien condition. 

He comes to us and invites us into his death and for us to rise in his resurrection. 

He invites us to abide in him, to be grafted into the tree of life and to be recreated as a New Creation. 

He invites us to join in with the cosmic restoration of his death and resurrection secured. 

Christ makes his home in you and his comfort and security has been planted into you.

He invites us to experience his droplets of living water and walk in the meadows of restoration . 

For the Holy Spirit comes to anchor our soul into Christ.