Tuesday 31 January 2023


 “But all things are from God, who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to himself (receiving us into favour, brought us into harmony) and gave us the ministry of reconciliation (that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with him). It was God (personally present) in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favour with himself, not counting and holding against (men) their sins (but cancelling them), and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration to favour). 2 Corinthians 5 : 18-19.

In these remarkable words, we discover the amazing heart of God for us. For here we understand that God is the author of all things. Before time and in time God designed and created all things, the earthly reality was created from the eternal reality, we find that existence is made up of the energy God created, the light he put in place to demonstrate through the cosmos that all realities are interconnected and there is no separation between the created and the spiritual. To put it another way, God in Christ reconciled our earthy reality and restored us to his eternal reality.

Monday 30 January 2023

Christ is the Gift

 God has given the gift of Christ and this gift is now revealed in us. It is Christ in us that makes us rich, it is Christ in us that gives us glory, and it is Christ in us the wonderful gift given freely, Christ is the gift given on God’s initiative from his heart of love and kindness towards us. If you believe God doesn’t love you, you will behave in ways that are unloving towards yourself and so you will experience the world as an unloving place. If you If you believe that God is angry and vengeful, you will always try to get it right so that you protect yourself from his wrath and you will experience life as a punishing place. Your core beliefs, about yourself, others, the world, life and God create your reality. And humanities collective beliefs create the reality we live in. Today’s world is dominated by what we imagine of ourselves, what we create, and what we project. The divisions and barriers we encounter in the world are simply a reflection of the disconnection within our hearts.

Only by turning to the fulfillment of God’s plan for us can our hearts be transformed. And the key to this transformation is the grace of God given to us in Christ is a heart of love in communion and in perfect harmony with him. Our heart needs a revolution that is birthed in deep and intimate relationships that can radiate to light the darkness that surrounds us. When each of us unpacks and receives the gift that God has given to us in Christ.

Sunday 29 January 2023

Be In Christ

 The journey of the mystery of God alive inside is found in Christ. So often we look to God to fix the world before we realise that Christ alive inside our hearts, is the hope of glory. We believe that praying for God to do something will make the world a better place. But the truth is that God has already done something, He answered our prayers by sending Christ to become the answer. No amount of effort on our part will make God move, because he has already moved in Christ. If you have not embraced Christ, then how can you fully embrace the unconditional love of God? The unconditional love of God revealed in the truth of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can really heal the world, not more self-effort or more determination to make right triumph over wrong. If you truly begin to experience the radiating glory of God, you will find that it begins to make you complete and whole.

Saturday 28 January 2023


Nature is a whisper to our hearts of the love of the Father. It declares to us that everything and everyone’s purpose is to know, experienced and be united with the unconditional love of God. God simply is love. And it is us, his created humans that are the focus of his love. We are free either to embrace this love or push it away. Only God has the power of transformation, the ability to enter into and become part of his creation. And through his love we have the opportunity to embrace ourselves as manifestations of God.

And how does God pour his love out upon us, how does he enlighten us to his truth? Through the person of his son, Jesus. God by his love gives us the gift of faith and pours out his grace and peace as we come to embrace Jesus. We are brought into a spiritual union and relationship with God through Jesus.

The separation we feel in our innermost being is a conflict that Jesus came to heal. He came to heal all those who were broken-hearted, to heal the loss that kept us in the captivity of our own prisons. God has given us through Jesus everything we need for life, and everything we need to know and experience God

God has healed our separation by embodying himself into human flesh and opening a door of the spiritual power of reconciliation through his death on the cross. He came to everyone born to awaken us to his unconditional love and truth in Christ in every moment and every aspect of our lives. When we embrace Jesus Christ, we come into right relationship with God, the cosmos, and creation flows within our veins. Opening our minds and lives to receive Jesus in all his fullness penetrates all we are and starts us on the greatest grace adventure of our lives.

In Christ heaven and earth are united into you and me.

Friday 27 January 2023

Close The Chapter



 Love and truth are the essence of who God is and his nature that reaches out with a cosmic embrace and offers us life. At the beginning of time, when out of chaos life was created His love stirred and implanted faith throughout the universe.

Everything that exists is a manifestation of God’s love and truth created for the pleasure and delight of the creator and the creation. Life is only possible with the breath of God breathing into it.

Everything that is natural is an expression of the heart of God. Every sunset is a vivid picture that lights the sky with lavish colour. Each season fills our thoughts and emotions with a tapestry of moments that fills our body, soul and spirit with the fullness of creation.

Never Leave You Stranded


Thursday 26 January 2023

The Truth

The truth is revealed in the life of Jesus when we see him through his eyes of compassion. It means seeing things from His perspective.  Compassion, mercy and goodness, eyes that reach down and meet us in our place of need. Truth is the life of God demonstrated and offered to us in his son.

Truth is the penetrating of this moment with the words of Christ alive in your heart. It happens when you are rooted into the life of Christ. Opening to Christ means letting the truth of all he is change how you think and feel. The more you immerse yourself in his truth the deeper the truth changes your soul. And the closer you get to the truth in Christ to more you understand who you truly are.

The truth is that you are deeply loved by God more than you can imagine and beyond your wildest dreams.  Truth is like a sword that cuts through all our weaknesses, our problems and our issues. In cutting through all that hold us we are free to take risks, free to try new things, free to be fallible and free to be wrong.

The truth is that all Christ has been poured out to us, because in the deep depths of God’s unconditional love his truth has been made know and given to us in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday 25 January 2023

God's Love Does Not Change

God’s love doesn’t not change.  And that which does not change is his true nature. The deeper you go into the unconditional love of God the darkness disappears and the light goes on, the crooked places become straight and the storms become calm. No matter what, He is working for our good. Mostly the canvas of love is formed by the relationships we experience or the ones portrayed to us in our culture. We learn about love in the melting pot of life and we galvanize love into the good and the bad. But God is reaching out to contact us with the infinite embrace of his passionate love, he looks us straight in the eye and calls us his own.  His whisper is relentless and tender and tells us that we are valued and accepted even when we are lost. Sadly, somewhere in our hearts we find this difficult to believe.

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Reveal Myself Through You


Free from Entanglement

 As we open up to the whisper of God, we begin to recognize that very often we are not looking for God; far from it, almost all the time we are so wrapped up in our own world that any consciousness of God is put to the  back of our experience.  The entanglement of everyday life and the pressures of survival fill our minds to the limit and added to this is the temptation of social media. No other generation has given the chance of fame and adoration to so many, so quickly.  We are so often either trapped in our world or captivated by a world which we are trying to create.  However, both options result in one goal and that is for us to feel valued and accepted by the God’s of our family, friends and others worship.

Monday 23 January 2023

Day of Release


God's Whisper

 One of the biggest revelations that came to me was when I realized that God was constantly speaking in me. I stood in a shopping line, with my trolley, queuing in the supermarket. People were chatting all around me when an impression came into my mind. “Listen to the conversations around you and I will speak to you through them.” So, I took a few minutes to quieten my heart and mind and I listened and I let God speak to me. Conversation after conversation awakened me to the whisper of God.

God’s whisper that started off so quiet gradually became louder! So instead of struggling to hear it , I began to hear it in the places I went and in the voices of those around me and as I grew accustomed to it, it became part of my everyday life.

But it was just not that whisper in the midst of a busy life it became the whisper of God calling me through creation. It was a whisper that carried to me through the rustling of leaves in the wind.  It is a whisper that touches my hearts through favourite songs, enjoying the waves crashing onto the beach and the sunset setting the sky on fire on a warm summer’s evening.

It is here also that God whispers to us in the pain of life. Through the suffering that we endure God softens our hearts and dissolves the ocean of enmity that rises within us. God calls us through the deepest experiences and rouses a relentless wanting deep within us and sets our hearts on a course to find its creator.

This relentless wanting whispers in us to fully embrace the openness and depth of God’s presence. The whisper speaks in our heart to connect His spirit to our spirit.  And so, every time you open your heart to God you tune your heart to his voice and this softens you to your creator.

The interesting thing is, once you start to recognise this whisper is that you face your greatest challenges.  In other words, once you hear it you have got to deal with it. God is not going to give up on you. Once he started he was not going to go back!  Each day is a new opportunity for God to whisper into your life.

And his whisper keeps speaking to us over and over again and softens our hearts little by little until we come into the light of his grace and we embrace his oneness.

Sunday 22 January 2023

Confused Intentions - The Spiritual Strategy of the Enemy

I believe at this moment in time, that the enemy has unleashed a spiritual attack on the Christian community, the body of Christ to try to keep it in a state of misdirection. 

The spiritual attack is designed to keep Christians off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the truth behind his actions.

This will take place with a two-pronged strategy 

1. Guide them far enough down the wrong path.

2. Envelop them in enough smoke.

That by the time they realize the enemy's intentions, it will be too late!


1. Guide Them Far Enough Down the Wrong Path

The first spiritual attack of the enemy, to make the Church and Christianity have no sense of what he is up to. This firstly takes the form of throwing them off the scent by dragging red herrings across the path. Creating a fog or a mist so you cannot see the path where you are going. Changing the signals at the crossroads with ambiguous signals, and setting up misleading objects of desire, All of these are there to stop you from distinguishing the genuine from the false, so you cannot see or know your real goal.

2. Envelop Them in Enough Smoke

The second spiritual attack is to hide his intentions behind the comfortable and familiar. If you can lead the Church and Christianity down a familiar path, they won’t become aware and catch on when they are being led into a trap. The trap is to distract people from the real purpose by creating a bland spiritual realm. A realm where we accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. This is a very skillful strategy to conceal his progress and hide his purpose. This is to create a smoke of nonchalance, where the deception is to win the victory before the war is declared.


The confused Intentions that the Enemy uses are based on the subtle suggestions that invade our minds and enchant our hearts. In 2019 the author John Eldredge said that the enemy had unleashed a spirit of hatred over the world, and this I believe is still active today. The rise in conflict both in words, opinions, physical actions and media, bears this out.  

Today, Sunday 22nd January 2023 we are entering into a time when the strategy is still based upon the lying question he asked in Eden, “Did God say?”. And it is imperative that as the body of Christ, we see the attacks that are coming against us, know that Christ was utterly and totally victorious at the cross and that Christ’s victory now lives in us. We are the sons and daughters of the living God and God lives by the Holy Spirit in us. Let us center our lives, minds, and hearts on Christ and reject the enchantment that is placed before us.

Revealed in His Promises

 The secret of God’s plan for us is revealed in his promises. Over and over again through the ages he consistently declared his intentions and commitment to us. Through the prophet Jeremiah he told us that he loved us with an everlasting love. The prophet Hosea tells us that God will never give up on us. God says he will never leave us or forsake us and Jesus declared that whoever would come to him would never thirst again.

Saturday 21 January 2023

Embracing The Call

 Realizing that God wants you is simply a change of heart perspective to see God as the author of a creation founded in love and desire to be with you. Ultimately, it is a vision from the bondage of soul thinking to the liberation of God’s unconditional love. We don’t have to wait to be good enough or spiritual enough to realize that God has never separated himself from us. The fact is simple, that we separated ourselves from him in our shame.

The freedom that our hearts seek is found in God, in the very moment of his value and acceptance of us.  God is pursuing us and calling us with his Holy Spirit in every thought, each feeling and every connection with our heart.

It is embracing the call of a pursuing God that awakens our hearts to who we really are.

Friday 20 January 2023

It is Time to Breathe


Start to Believe

God is awakening you to live in the fullness of your creation.  The truth is that God is pursing you. That you are the delight of his heart and his desire is to be with you. You are in fact loved greater than you could ever imagine. In the same way he came and showed himself to the first murderer, he comes to you and speaks to you. This may come as an extraordinary revelation that God is searching you out and seeking after you. That he has never withdrawn himself from you and that he is after you. It breaks the power of the lie of separation, the lie of a wall between God and us. We are so bound up with lies and illusions that the ordinary of God’s pursuit of us is overshadowed by our feelings of unworthiness.  We need to let go of what we feel and start to believe all God says about us.

Wednesday 18 January 2023

In You


Created to be Whole

 God created us to be whole. He created us with his desire to have perfect communion with us. To enter the perfect relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to enjoy and celebrate his perfect love. His holiness was birthed into our hearts, his breath birthed our spirit and he placed the pinnacle of his desire in a garden of delight.

It was here in this garden that the first man and woman lived and enjoyed the glory of God. They enjoyed every moment experiencing the unconditional love of their Father. They lived in a complete relationship until a fallen angel spoke a lie into their perfect existence.  This lie was simple as it was destructive, it produced a thought that God did not want them. That to please God they had to do something to make themselves more acceptable.  And it was the lie that entered their heart and planted a seed of separation.  And it was this lie that caused suffering to take root and illness, violence, greed, jealously and selfishness started to run rampant.  For it is our separation from God that is root cause of our death. When we lose connection with the Father who created us, we  forget who we are and become divided in our spirit, soul  and body and become separated from each other. We fail to see the creator in everyone and everything and we close our hearts and hide away in shame. And in a shame based world, our sight is clouded and we start to see everything from a dim reflection in a mirror.

The Call of Courage

 The Call of Courage 

I believe that we are entering into a place as the people of God, where God is calling his people to courage. A new type of courage that even when we feel we are in the valley, we see the sunlight.

It takes courage to tell the truth and to hear the truth. Courage is swimming in the deep waters and moving in its flow. Courage is to stay open and let the Holy Spirit become your ally. Courage to listen so that the revelation becomes the exploration of what really is true.

I felt God say “This is not a time of defeat, this is an hour and a day for riding out in glory. I have given you a white horse of victory and you are called to live in increase, fruitfulness, acceleration and my Holy Spirit bursting out into glory. The enemy will try to convince you that you are in the darkest hour but you my people are my brightest flower. This is a dawn of my courage in you and for you to ride on my white horse into golden skies of the risen Christ. Courage to heal, courage to set captives free, courage to make desolate places, flourish. Courage to break out and live in a new day of truth. To go deeper and to rise higher. To explore the treasures of my favour given to you.”

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Restore Us

 God’s goodness is his story. His story is a work of total commitment, desire and passion. It is a story about yourself, about someone else, about the world, about life, about God and above all else it is a story of intimacy beyond our wildest imagination. 

God’s intention to come and restore us into all he created us to be. He never sees us as products of actions, he never looks at us through the lens of black and white. He removes himself from judging us to be right or wrong or good or bad. Instead he sees us as a prism of light, multi coloured, a bright radiant spectrum of his love. In short, he sees us as we were created to be.

Open Roads

 Open Roads 

The last few weeks I have been asking God what is on his heart, what he wants to share and pass on to his children. I felt that we are entering as a people into days of open roads. I saw an open road before me, which started at my feet and as I looked up it went on and on into the distance.

I felt God said to me, “I am laying an open road in front of my people, an open road that will go on and on into the distance. This road is a road of my opportunity, a road of no edges and no regrets. It has no edges for I am it’s beginning and end, it is a road of no regrets as I have dealt with the past and your past does not define you.”

“This open road is a day of golden stories, for I am calling my people into a new day of miracles, into a day of dancing with me into an adventure as bright as the morning. Be expectant, for I will release appointments for you, I will work effortlessly in and through my people. Listen and travel with me onto my open roads of my effortless works in you.”

“I want to go and do much more than you can say or realise. For on this open road there is much more, much more than you could ever ask or need. For this is an open road for you to thrive and flourish. To know much more and expect much more. This is a time of open roads into a future of new discoveries.”

Monday 16 January 2023

Created to be in Relentless Love

 Today’s fast living world does little to encourage us to embrace the experiences that surround us. Modern media sells us a dream of a perfect world where we can have anything we want providing we have the resources at our fingertips. And if we don’t it sells us the tools to get that which is out of our reach. But deep down inside we know that the things that surround us don’t really satisfy us.

For life in all its glory is found complete in the embrace of its designer. Every experience is a chance to connect with the God who formed the universe from nothing. As surely as the sun rises, the sun sets and as surely as the tide flows in, the tide flows out. The everlasting love of God is as relentless and as sure as the universe that we are placed into. And it is here that the mystery of God’s love shines into our world, for God who is complete does not need creation in order to experience love because he is love.

The Shadows aren’t real.

 For someone today 

The Shadows aren’t real.

Be conformed and transformed by the light of Christ that is shining and alive in Your heart.

His light is effortless, as the light comes in the darkness must disappear.  Don't let the darkness trick you into believing its lies.

Come out from living in the shadows, come out from believing the shadow of your former self, because the shadows aren’t real, they are illusions; they are memories of who you once were.

 Shadows look real, have the same shape but they are just a trick of the light, they give an image of something that is not real, it has no substance. 

You are full of the light of Christ; your image is the image of Christ, righteous, perfect, holy and valued. The shadow of your old life is not real; your new abundant life in Christ is your new reality. 

Your old life died and you were raised a New Creation in Christ Jesus.  

Don’t live in the shadows anymore. Live in the effortless light of Christ that shines in your heart.

Sunday 15 January 2023



Created to be in Richness of Life

The fact is life is full of rich moments that make life worth living. It can be amazing and wonderful in its ability to connect with our souls. There are days when our hearts are captivated by the experiences that enlighten our darkness and change the mundane into adventure. Those captured memories of precious moments where the richness of love and the closeness of acceptance are found in the value of those we treasure and love.

Saturday 14 January 2023

Created to be Woven into Life

Friendship, partnership, laughter, joy and happiness are all part of God’s design for our lives. Delight has been woven into the fabric of life. Moments of tenderness and kindness spring from the demonstration of God’s desire birthed in our hearts.

Friday 13 January 2023

Created to be Intimate

God is a God of relationships.  He is the author of all good things that flow from an intimacy that was so perfect it transcends our wildest imagination.  It is here in the deep fathomless love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that we find the centre of the universe, for perfect relationship, is the heart of all reality.

Thursday 12 January 2023

Created to be a Delight

Beyond appearances, beyond the influences that draws our attention, is the God that does not change, the God that is the all in all. The truth of all God is found in the presence of this moment. In this moment he is pursuing you. In this moment he is whispering to you to add nothing and take nothing away.  In his moment he is inviting you into the deepest places in the cosmos and the highest place of eternity.  In this moment of the invite, the Father is offering you life, to come into and enjoy the union you were created for. To come into union with God.

God is the infinite glory, the designer and artist of creation, the One that is the substance and value of everything.  All that exists has been created by love, in love and for love.  Created as a reflection of the perfect love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The closer we get to experiencing the pure unconditional and unadulterated love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the closer we get to live in the delight we were created for.

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Become Who We Were Created to be.

 The truth found in Christ bridges the gap of our humanness and gives us the perfection of our heavenly father.

The whisper of God to each of us is to dive into love even when fear screams at us to run and hide, to open up our hearts into the midst of chaos and encroaching darkness.  This whisper invites us to live in the vastness of God and let him live and work through every moment of our lives. It is calling you!

God is calling you. You are being invited to join the party and become one with your heavenly father.

This whisper asks us to come and become who we were created to be. This whisper says come and take that step of courage and let love conquer your heart.

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Be an Open Heart

 Every detail of life - from the mundane to the wonderful - is an opportunity for you to receive all that Christ has provided for you. Everything we need has been given to us in a rainbow-coloured unconditional love that reaches out into the conflict of our world and lays down its life in peace. It is this love that cherishes our every breath and brings healing and restoration to our body and soul. It is a love that invites us to give instead of taking and it is love that ignites desire and puts to death self-reliance. It is a love that has a passion to change and cries out with a response for action. It is a love that says you are valuable and that you are accepted.  It is a love that says it died for you to bring you new life.

It is a love that shows us that truth is found in sacrifice, that to know truth is to know Christ. This truth speaks into the depths of our innermost feelings and expresses the heart of God and it gives us the courage to drop pretences in order to reveal the tenderness of an open heart. 

Monday 9 January 2023

Created to Dance

My treasure you were created to dance. I created you to eternally dance with you. To hold you close to me, to be with you every second of every day in this dance of life. My desire is that you permanently experience the dance of my life inside you. I have never stopped loving you, I am the music that rises in your heart. I am your eternal dance within your heart.


Be Empowered to Manifest

 It is from this place of knowing and experiencing the life of Christ alive inside that we can begin to see God at work in everyone and in everything. Slowly this realisation of our new life dispels fear, frees us from our struggle and disperses guilt. Here in a New Creation life we are free to express our new unlimited life and be empowered to manifest our Christ given potential.  For, in him we are filled with the majestic beauty of creation and overflow with the joy of a celebrating Father.

Sunday 8 January 2023

Be Heaven’s Door

 How we view God is crucial to what kind of world we live in. The transformation that we need has already happened in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His once and forever death two thousand years ago has opened up heaven and brought the divine into everyday life. His call to us is to come and receive new life, to let heaven dwell in our hearts.

For God no longer lives far away up in the clouds, waiting till we arrive at Heaven's door before he reveals himself, He is found in the heart of every believer who believes and receives him. God resides in his New Creation.  God resides in every action, every thought, every feeling and every breath of every believer.

Recognising that we are now New Creations in Christ is the truth that animates each moment and brings heaven down to earth.  It heals the feeling of separation in our hearts and heals the oppression of our suffering.

Infused into the Divine Delight


Saturday 7 January 2023

Be Part of The Cosmic Drama

God is that which is bigger than us, the great mystery, the one that is all in all. Our creation is by love, in love and for love. 

God is relationship, intimacy beyond our wildest imagination and deep infinite intimacy. The Trinity is the centre of the universe; perfect relationship is heart of all reality. He is the divine creation of oneness existing before time and acting within time and from him all compassion flows to everything that exists.

God’s creation is the eternal story of passion and desire. The story of pursuit and sacrifice, the story of a cosmic drama with us at the centre. It is this story that calls us to wake up and become who we were created to be in order to transform our lives, our world and our future.  

But also, within this story we are surrounded by towering shadows that stand in our way. Gigantic obstacles that obscure our view and keep us in captivity. These towering Idol’s trying to rob us of our value and acceptance. 

They fill us with fear and shame. They focus our attention on what we wear, what we eat and what we drink. They convince us that the thirst and the hunger we feel can only be satisfied when we worship our own self crafted Idols. That the land of milk and honey is a place where we are God and the whisper we hear is answered in self-recognition.  

It is here where we start to see that the emphasis of our lives is routed in the God's and idol’s we serve. And these are built on the foundations of our self-crafted love and truth.
Today we live in a man-made world that is built upon what we see, feel, hear, smell and touch. For most of us God is viewed as a distant concept that we call upon in moments of crisis or acts of nature that we cannot explain or reconcile. But also, within this world we find that God is also synonymous with life and that the more we open up to receive every aspect of God's existence in his fullness, the more He explodes with vibrant intimacy.

For God's whisper is to come and have a relationship with him. To enter into an adventure that brings love closer to us and closer to everyone and everything in our lives. For everything we seek is found in the embrace of a Father, who gave himself to us in the incarnation of a son.

For God is manifested in the human form of Jesus.  

Pick up the broken pieces from the ground

Last night I felt these words speak to me

 “Pick up the broken pieces from the ground”

As they went over in my mind, I felt that there are some people who feel like broken pieces. That certain dreams, hopes, expectations, and plans had become broken pieces in their lives. I saw a picture of a beautiful vase on a table falling to the ground and it was shattered into many, many pieces. It was impossible to repair. And I felt a loss and sadness over the broken pieces on the ground.

I felt God say, “I am taking the broken pieces and making something new. I am not just restoring but I am making something better and it will be more beautiful, more unique, and more exquisite. Things that you might have given up hope with and see as impossible, I am going to pick up from the ground and make the impossible happen. Do not look at the broken pieces but look to me, the master craftsman, for I make all things good, beautiful, and new. I will pick up all your broken pieces and craft beauty and magnificent masterpieces in you. This is time for broken pieces to be made new.”

Friday 6 January 2023

Be Captivated By His Gaze

 The belief that we are small and powerless in the face of life is a lie that has kept us asleep for thousands of years.  But God has come to us and is knocking at the door of our hearts and is inviting us to wake up to the full glory given to us in his unconditional love.

We have the opportunity to stop believing that someone or something else has the answer and actually embrace the change we are being offered.  Our future is in our hands. Our future is in the choices we make. Our future is to choose life over death, to choose love over fear.

Every step we take towards the light is an opportunity to bring us closer to the whisperer of love. For each step is a moment by moment journey that draws us on. It is not easy because fear pulls us back.  It is the gentle whisper that draws us on.  It means that God calls us in the present moment, he encourages us to let go of the past and to put on hold our future. But to come and look into his eyes and be captivated by his gaze.

Thursday 5 January 2023

Be Connected

Our heart belief is our connector to heaven. The resurrection power of the Holy Spirit lives in us, and we connect with Him by what we believe in our hearts. Our core beliefs have the power to give us life or condemn us. Our hearts are held in the secret place of the King. We have been created New Creations in Christ.  Heaven has invaded our hearts and we are now alive to Christ.  Let the delight of God and the truth of Christ work in and through you and let his love for you fill your heart and mind.

Wednesday 4 January 2023

Alive To My Fire


Be Brainwashed !

God wants to brainwash you! He wants us to be transformed by renewing our minds. The power of heaven desires to invade our thoughts and thinking and transform our minds into the mind of Christ. In Christ we have been given Christ's mind and we can now think like heaven thinks. The Holy Spirit is encouraging us to believe the truth,  and not live by what we see and hear. For all truth is found in Christ. All wisdom is discovered in Christ. And all love is experienced in Christ. Christ is our true reality.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Be Satisfied in Me


You were Created to be a Reflection of the Trinity.

You were created in the image of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You were formed by the glory of God, in the glory of God to radiate throughout eternity the glory of God.

The unconditional love of God, which is out if time, entered time in you and took up residence in your jar of clay.

And just as the three in one draw their identity from each other, we were created to draw our identity from our creator. This identity is the real treasure our hearts desire.  And this identity is the value of our true worth. 

To look for identity in anything else diminishes our value, to each other and to ourselves. 

Our value is a reflection of our heart's treasure. 

You are a child of your Father's love and you are beautiful, a captivating image of your father's love and every time He looks at you it reminds him of the consuming passionate love that created you.

Above all else you are the climax, the pinnacle of creation and God sacrificed himself so you could run straight back into your Father's arms.

Your real identity is found and established in the heart of the Father's love.

Monday 2 January 2023

Created to be Immersed in the Water of Life

One of the most amazing invitations of Jesus is “if anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” John 7 37:38. It is from the deep thirst of our hearts that our desire and passion are met. The promise of Christ to us is that once we meet him we will never thirst again.

The lie that Satan has placed and taken root in our hearts is that God in Christ is holding out on us, that we have only been given a measure, and that his grace is dependent upon our thirst.

The truth is we have been given the fullness of Christ, that our hearts have been immersed in the death and resurrection of Jesus and that his Holy Spirit flows within us like a mighty river.

In the Song of Songs, the bride invites the bridegroom to come and drink deeply of the love within her heart.  “Oh, lover and beloved, eat and drink. Yes, drink deeply of your love.” Song of Songs 5:1  The love within her is the love given and placed by her lover. The love they share is the intimate love of each other, birthed and planted in the garden of the heart.

God is constantly calling us to drink more deeply of the love that he has poured into us. To recover the intimacy, beauty, and wonder of a life filled with God. To drink deeply of his new life already within us.

New Covenant life is found in enjoying the wonder of adventure in intimate delight with a lover who has immersed us into his river of grace.

You don’t have to thirst anymore you can now drink deeply.