Tuesday 18 July 2023

The Battle is Won

 For someone today 

"I have won the battle. You are victorious in Christ.", says God.

The battle is not yours, the war is over, Jesus has overcome for you. Jesus has overcome in you. Live in the the overcoming victory that is within in. 

Don't let the enemy deceive you.  Jesus has delivered you from the lies and distraction of the enemy. You have overcome because Jesus has overcome and he lives and works in you. 

Don't be drawn into fighting, don't be drawn in concentrating on the battle. Don't be drawn into contending for a breakthrough.  Jesus broke through at the cross for you, you now live in the victory he has won.

Rest and wait for the victory to manifest and let God align his thoughts with your thoughts.

Today renew your mind to the victory of the cross and the power of the Resurrection victory that lives inside you.

Jesus has won the battle, the war is over. Declare it out, believe it in your heart,  because God has settled it once and forever.

Saturday 15 July 2023

Lighthouse by Red Dirt Girl

The Keeper waits at the edge of the world,

as he knots his nets of starlight and air.

He watches and works and waits for the girl.

The one who charts the edge of this world.

Skating the edge, sharp bladed, she swirls.

He hears in her movement the breath of despair.

She makes her last turn and launches, midair

into madness

her sanity unfurls

into madness

her lunatic plunge.

Universe explodes pierced by radiant nets.

His scarred hands unfurl in their shattering pain.

The Keeper waits at the edge of the world.

Waiting, tear stained, for the girl.

Through space

starlight rushes.

She plummets


Will star nets contain her?

Suspended, she cries.

How will I chart the edge of this world

now that I’ve fallen off?