Tuesday 26 March 2013

Ten Truths from John Crowder

The finished work of the cross is such an offense, because it invalidates every other human attempt at spirituality.

Grace does not beat the church awake. Grace woos her with the extravagant love of Christ poured out on the cross. Entices her with the fragrant myrrh of His sufferings for her on the cross. It allures her with the promise of divine pleasures that supersede the lesser comforts of this world. Invites her to drink and to be drunk on love

I’m not pressing in anymore. I've been pressed into.
I’m not contending anymore. I've been contended for.
I’m not a God chaser anymore. I've been chased down, roped and hogtied. Bagged and tagged!
So many fast; they pray; they push; they pull. They attempt to get what they're already got. But their own efforts have alienated them from grace.
I’m not hungry anymore. I am fully satisfied.
Hunger is the state of the prodigal in the pig slop. Sonship is satisfied on Christ – the Father’s the Fatted Calf.

The New Covenant is a finding covenant. An arrival. An enjoyment of the Promise Land that we have already entered.

By adoption in Christ, every believer shares in this divine love of complacency. It is the love enjoyed by Jacob, but not by Esau. This love is reserved for the redeemed in whom God delights — not because there is anything inherently lovely or delightful in us — but we are so united to Christ, the Father’s Beloved, that the love the Father has for the Son spills over onto us. God’s love for us is pleasing and sweet to Himself — and to us. ...

Grace does not merely “cut you slack” while leaving you with indwelling sinfulness. Grace fully nailed that “indwelling sinfulness” to the tree – your entire old corrupt nature was abolished as a free gift

Those in Christ truly lack nothing. We have been plugged into an eternal wellspring of grace.

True faith is simply an effortless realization of the facts. Christ is the Fact. Faith doesn't save you, the Fact did. You are not saved by faith. You are saved by free-gift grace. Faith is the simple recognition of the free gift that’s already been given to you.

You are a source of endless possibilities. Your identity is in Him, and your actions are an outflow of that.

Your entire life is now a response to God, because you've been “replaced” and woven into the very life of Christ! There is no more Jesus plus me. It is Jesus, therefore all of me! We are one.

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