Tuesday, 21 January 2014

From A Park Bench - A Joint-Heir of God through Christ

Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. – Galatians 4:7

What would happen if you received a letter informing you that you are the richest person in the world? That millions of pounds had been deposited into your bank account. I would think overwhelming joy, unbelievable freedom, and amazing security. Hope, joy, peace would be just some of the reactions you would experience.

The amazing truth is that every Christian has been given something that is infinitely greater than coins in their bank account. They have been made an heir of God and a joint-heir in Christ. All of the storehouses of heaven’s riches have been opened up and made available by grace.

Everything that Christ is has been interwoven into us; we have the fullness of Christ on the inside of us.

Because Christ is perfect peace we have perfect peace
Because Christ is glory we have his glory living in us
Because Christ is never sick we have the health of God inside of us
Because Christ endured pain for us we can live free from oppression.
Because Christ won the victory over Satan we can have total victory over every affliction.

Grace is everything Christ won at the cross, freely given to me as a gift, deposited into my spirit for me to enjoy and live in.

I am sanctified, holy, redeemed, and free. I am a joint-heir with Christ.

All I have to do is to receive all that is available and even this is done by resting and reveling in my union with Christ. As I gaze into his eyes of love, as I immerse into his river of healing, as I drench in his waterfall of unmerited favor, all the blessing of God become an effortless reality of my union with Christ. Jesus is the joy of my life, the song in my heart, the wind in my sails, the blood flowing in my veins.


  1. richer than we can count
    in ways we cannot even begin to imagine
    amen and amen!


Thank you for visiting my blog. Please do not feel you have to comment. I enjoyed writing, listening to God and sharing his toughts. I hope you enjoyed reading, and may God who is able to make all grace, every favour and earthly blessing come to you in abundance, do far above all you can ask or think, according to the power that works within you. Be blessed.