Tuesday 7 January 2014

From A Park Bench - An Illusion

I still remember the first time my Grand father performed his ‘magic trick’ of passing his finger through the flame of a candle. I sat there amazed that he beat nature and fear by taking on fire and overcoming it. It seemed impossible to me. I thought my Grand father was an amazing man. Of course as I grew up and understood the ‘trick’ I understood that anyone can do this ‘trick’ and there was no magic involved. But for quite a few years I was in awe of his little illusion.

Somehow and I don’t quite know how, I became convinced in my Christian life that God’s power and spirit was separated from me. I used to go to prayer revival meetings, where a number of us would cry out to God for him to move by His supernatural power. Now it wasn’t for lack of passion or desire. I really wanted God to move and I was earnest in my fervor to see a move of God, But, I felt God was up there in heaven and I was here below on earth. In reality this separation was an illusion, a lie based on my feelings and not based on the word of God.

The truth is that God is not separated from me, there is no separation, He is not distant from me, He is not withdrawn from me, He is not far away.

God by his Spirit is interwoven into my very being. It is He who animates my heart, gives me life and vitality, plans every single heart beat within my chest. His breath fills my lungs, Christ’s has become the very blood flowing within my veins, and my union with Christ is genuine and living.

Christ has promised never to leave me or forsake me, wherever I go I take Christ with me and it is his power and fullness that touches all those I reach out to. Every day is a new adventure in Christ and everyday is a chance for the living God to work in me and flow through me into a broken world.

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Thank you for visiting my blog. Please do not feel you have to comment. I enjoyed writing, listening to God and sharing his toughts. I hope you enjoyed reading, and may God who is able to make all grace, every favour and earthly blessing come to you in abundance, do far above all you can ask or think, according to the power that works within you. Be blessed.