Monday 16 January 2023

The Shadows aren’t real.

 For someone today 

The Shadows aren’t real.

Be conformed and transformed by the light of Christ that is shining and alive in Your heart.

His light is effortless, as the light comes in the darkness must disappear.  Don't let the darkness trick you into believing its lies.

Come out from living in the shadows, come out from believing the shadow of your former self, because the shadows aren’t real, they are illusions; they are memories of who you once were.

 Shadows look real, have the same shape but they are just a trick of the light, they give an image of something that is not real, it has no substance. 

You are full of the light of Christ; your image is the image of Christ, righteous, perfect, holy and valued. The shadow of your old life is not real; your new abundant life in Christ is your new reality. 

Your old life died and you were raised a New Creation in Christ Jesus.  

Don’t live in the shadows anymore. Live in the effortless light of Christ that shines in your heart.

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