Monday 23 January 2023

God's Whisper

 One of the biggest revelations that came to me was when I realized that God was constantly speaking in me. I stood in a shopping line, with my trolley, queuing in the supermarket. People were chatting all around me when an impression came into my mind. “Listen to the conversations around you and I will speak to you through them.” So, I took a few minutes to quieten my heart and mind and I listened and I let God speak to me. Conversation after conversation awakened me to the whisper of God.

God’s whisper that started off so quiet gradually became louder! So instead of struggling to hear it , I began to hear it in the places I went and in the voices of those around me and as I grew accustomed to it, it became part of my everyday life.

But it was just not that whisper in the midst of a busy life it became the whisper of God calling me through creation. It was a whisper that carried to me through the rustling of leaves in the wind.  It is a whisper that touches my hearts through favourite songs, enjoying the waves crashing onto the beach and the sunset setting the sky on fire on a warm summer’s evening.

It is here also that God whispers to us in the pain of life. Through the suffering that we endure God softens our hearts and dissolves the ocean of enmity that rises within us. God calls us through the deepest experiences and rouses a relentless wanting deep within us and sets our hearts on a course to find its creator.

This relentless wanting whispers in us to fully embrace the openness and depth of God’s presence. The whisper speaks in our heart to connect His spirit to our spirit.  And so, every time you open your heart to God you tune your heart to his voice and this softens you to your creator.

The interesting thing is, once you start to recognise this whisper is that you face your greatest challenges.  In other words, once you hear it you have got to deal with it. God is not going to give up on you. Once he started he was not going to go back!  Each day is a new opportunity for God to whisper into your life.

And his whisper keeps speaking to us over and over again and softens our hearts little by little until we come into the light of his grace and we embrace his oneness.

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Thank you for visiting my blog. Please do not feel you have to comment. I enjoyed writing, listening to God and sharing his toughts. I hope you enjoyed reading, and may God who is able to make all grace, every favour and earthly blessing come to you in abundance, do far above all you can ask or think, according to the power that works within you. Be blessed.