Grace is who God is, Grace is God’s
This is the most amazing revelation, that
grace and God cannot be separated.
God is an infinite, complete, unending,
unfailing, overflowing ocean of goodness.
God is love, God is compassion, and he is
an everlasting river of power devoted to us with a passion to awaken us to all
Christ abundantly gave each of us at the cross.
God reconciled creation back to himself
through Christ.
God saved you by his love for you.
Love defines God, he always loves and he
acts only through love
He never fails, he never wavers, his
plans and dreams are always carried out.
God’s work is finished and he invites us
to participle and enjoy his rest.
God’s love means that you are accepted,
loved and included into the family of heaven. His grace qualifies you, his
grace freely given, has no requirements, no stipulations, no obligations, it is
free with no strings attached, all you have to do, is say thank you, receive it
and live in it.
God’s love keeps no record of wrongs, is
patient, does no harm, thinks no evil, never gives up on you, believes all
things, endures all things and will never fail you.
You can never extinguish or come to the
end of his infinite love.
It is interesting. Your title caught my attention because pastor was just talking about it on sunday. How grace is just the character of God. Its mind blowing when you really think about it.