Tuesday 10 September 2013

From A Park Bench - A New Creation

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."  2 Cor. 5:17

Ask anyone the question, if you could do back and do something differently what would you do? Most would have an instance or event that they regret and would want to change. Unfortunately none of us can travel back in time and relive the events we regret. We cannot change the past, but we can learn and live the present differently.
Here is the Bible Paul describes what God has done for us by grace. Anyone who  puts their trust in Jesus and his finished work can have a new life in Christ.
When we believe in Christ, we are identifying with Him, and all that He did in our place becomes reality and experience in our lives. This means that all that happened to Christ happened to you.
When he died to sin and its power, you died to sin and its power.
When he rose in victory and newness of life, you rose in victory and newness of life.
When He ascended and sat down in Authority, you sat down with Him in authority.
All that happened to Christ, happened to you.
The New Creation on the inside of you is totally new and God has made you alive to himself in a intimate relationship to share with you the desires of his heart.
You are completely new without one trace of evil, wrong, problems, struggles, lusts, doubts or fears.  That is the real you! 
You are a beautiful person. 
You are righteous. 
You are acceptable. 
You are approved. 
You are holy and pure. 
You are strong. 
You are healthy. 
You are blessed. 
You are complete. 
You are whole. 
You are of a sound mind. 
You are perfect in God's sight!  

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Thank you for visiting my blog. Please do not feel you have to comment. I enjoyed writing, listening to God and sharing his toughts. I hope you enjoyed reading, and may God who is able to make all grace, every favour and earthly blessing come to you in abundance, do far above all you can ask or think, according to the power that works within you. Be blessed.