Wednesday 24 April 2013

Create the perfect TV Christian

Create the perfect TV Christian
To portray a Christian on a Television detective programme or ‘soap opera’ is not for the light hearted. In fact, you have to relinquish any normality and become a strange religious character that is slightly out of touch with the real world.

Over at TV Tropes the TV “Vicar” is summed up perfectly:-
 British vicars are generally portrayed as docile and gentle elderly chaps, with white hair and little glasses and ever so prim and prissy ways. They take afternoon tea ("more tea, vicar?"), have a tendency to be a bit liberal with the altar wine and don't believe that anything remotely sexual happens ever, despite the fact that Church of England vicars are allowed to marry. 
A more recent trope is the "trendy" vicar, who is younger, and probably plays the guitar, but is really just as clueless, especially when it comes to attracting young people to the church. Expect them to make air quotes while using thirty-year-old slang.”

Below are 10 characteristic of a TV acted Christian you can choose any 5 of them to blend together to make the perfect character.

1, You must wear a T-Shirt with a Jesus slogan

2. You must be found reciting the Lord's prayer

3. You must be able to quote bible verses at will (especially famous ones or equally very obscure ones).

4. You must always be found in a church

5. You must always kneel to pray

6. You must smile inanely as you answer questions

7. You must refer to God as the “Boss” or “Him upstairs”

8. You must have a criminal past or be involved in a secret illicit relationship, of which you say you have repented of and are now on the right path.

9. You must have a very bad or old fashioned hair cut.

10. You must avoid answering any questions truthful and drop bible references in at will.

 In the episode of Midsomer Murders I just watched  “Country Matters” I matched:

1. You must wear a T-Shirt with a Jesus slogan
2. You must be found reciting the Lord prayer
4. You must always be found in a church
5. You must always kneel to pray
7. You must refer to God as the “Boss” or “Him upstairs”

 Have a go yourself and create your own perfect TV Christian.


  1. ha. mostly makes christians into something that is far from what i think the norm is...i dunno...they do it to others as well...making it more a characature...


  2. The media deliberately put Christians down at every opportunity. Quite deliberate this.
    Some years ago in Scotland a highly motivated church minister was seen in a programme dedicated to his daily life. He was portrayed as a bit angry, a bit determined to get social justice, and with a wee bit of Jesus left out. It was a good attempt to offer a real minister as opposed to such tripe. He was however more social than spiritual, and the series was never repeated.


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