Friday 28 June 2024

Word - July 2024

 Not by Might , Nor by Power, But by My Spirit - July 24 

“Hear the horses hooves and the chariot wheels”

I felt God was saying to me, “can you hear the horses hooves and the chariot wheels. Can you hear my awakening spirit coming alive in my Scarlet Army. My Spirit is quickening my people and I am empowering my people. I am empowering my Scarlet Army.”

God is saying, “Do not fear, I am raising up my Scarlet Army, I am awakening my blood red redeemed people, “My Church” to be flaming torches in the surrounding darkness. To start a fire that will destroy the defences the enemy has raised up and take back the land the enemy has stolen. This is a time when the horses and chariots of my scarlet people will be lightning in the camp of despair and fear. Know today that it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit. My Spirit is setting streets on fire where the enemy has tried to take the streets and cover them its entrenchment, my Spirit is raising up a standard of my empowering grace and unconditional love.”

“My Scarlet Army will destroy the work of the enemy. Healing will defeat sickness. Freedom will defeat oppression. Love will defeat fear. Hope will defeat anxiety. Miracles will set captives free. Life will defeat death. Delight will defeat despair. Abundance will defeat mediocrity. My Scarlet Army will declare the favourable year of the Lord”

“Be ready, stay awake, listen for the sounds of my Spirit. I am raising up my Scarlet Army of the victory of Christ. An army forged in the blood of Christ and the power and love of Jesus Christ. With His name written on the breastplate of your heart and the shield of your protection. The name of Jesus will be heard throughout every land and every street as my Scarlet Army brings my healing and salvation with every step it takes. It moves in victorious abundant life.”


Nahum 2 : 3-4

2 The shields of the soldiers are red; the warriors are clad in scarlet. The metal on the chariots flashes on the day they are made ready; the spears of juniper are brandished. 3  The chariots storm through the streets, rushing back and forth through the squares. They look like flaming torches; they dart about like lightning.

Zechariah 4:6

Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.

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