Friday 14 April 2023


“I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes first for the Jew and then for the Gentile". - Romans 1 : 16

Paul in his opening statement of Romans describes the gospel as the power unto salvation to all who believe. That word "salvation" is the word "soterio" and the short version is "sozo". It means "wholeness, health and blessing and provision and protection". Some people think that salvation means only going to heaven. So get this, it doesn't speak about "heaven" here. Paul says I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto wholeness, protection, preservation, cleansing, power for provision for health, for wholeness for all who believe! 

Today when you hear people say; "I am not ashamed of this gospel" - they do not mean the same thing that Paul means. Paul lived in a time that was dominated by the Old Covenant law way of thinking. The very idea that someone could be righteous apart from their work, performance, or obedience was an alien thing. They would kill you and stone you if you said you were the righteousness of God apart from your law, works or performance. 

Paul says I am not ashamed to say that the power that operates in you for wholeness, health, wellbeing, preservation, and protection doesn't come from my works but it comes from a gift of righteousness that is God's gift to me. That is how I reign in life! Not through my works, not through how well I do, my obedience, or my holiness - it comes from a gift of righteousness. This is the message that brings liberty and freedom and deliverance  - this message of grace brings people into liberty! 

"for in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed - a righteousness that is by faith from first to last. Just as it is written the righteous will live by faith". - Romans 1 : 17

How does this great power flow? What is the cause of this power? What releases this power? A revelation that a righteousness from God has been given to you as a free gift. No obligation! Just believe it and you will see the outworking of it!

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