Wednesday 10 February 2021

Stop. Breathe.

Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” – Genesis 1:26

The heart of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was to share and enjoy the dance of eternal glory. To reflect the overflowing, wonderful love of the triune Godhead with perfect creation. It was the Godhead “Us” that created man in their own image and all the glory of heaven was shared with man.

God stooped down, he put his life, his essence, his creativity, his majesty, his glory into the dust he had made and with all the joyous delight of the triune God he formed man. God immersed the dust into the eternal dance of love and this would not be the only time that God would stoop and kiss our world. He would bring himself down to us by lying in a manger, work in a carpentry shop, sleep on a mountainside, eat with the forsaken and despised, be spat upon, lied about, be beaten, ridiculed, humiliated, nailed and cut open. 

And there in that moment of creation, as man was formed, and God’s life was breathed into his body. For the first time in eternity, for the first moment in the joyous dance, God and man waited and listened as the first heartbeat sounded on earth, the first heartbeat sounded in eternity and the first heartbeat sounded in the frame of man.

Never had a heart been formed and never had a heartbeat been heard. Creation listened to the life of God flowing through man’s frame of dust, united with glory, perfect, whole, good, and heaven had entered earth.

Stop. Breathe and listen to your heartbeat, listen to your breathing, it is the wonder of life, the joy of the Creator manifest in dust and alive in your heart.

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