Tuesday 4 March 2014

Congregation of Geese

Stand to attention and doubters retreat

Into silent reeds, as high above

Ducks circle the lake in scheming flight.

The listening pilgrims with their nonchalant stare

Sense divinity within the assembled throng.

In the visible the lake reflects their glare

And glimpses an unsuspected mood

Even the crows hidden from view

Move to the marshalled sound of silence

A strange stillness captures the congregation.

This is the mirror of tentative dreams

Suggested words draw the stream

Of prophecy beyond the ravens movement,

The air is full of hope, as we seek

Uniqueness in created things and the hand of the creator.


  1. The listening pilgrims with their nonchalant stare
    cool description of them...i def take hope in the uniquenss
    of all creation....

  2. The Creator has a way of making things peaceful and safe. The uniqueness of the AlMighty holds true. Wonderful write alan!



Thank you for visiting my blog. Please do not feel you have to comment. I enjoyed writing, listening to God and sharing his toughts. I hope you enjoyed reading, and may God who is able to make all grace, every favour and earthly blessing come to you in abundance, do far above all you can ask or think, according to the power that works within you. Be blessed.