Romans 6 v14
Sin is no longer your master, for you no
longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the
freedom of God’s grace.
Rules and regulations dominate our lives.
Right from a very early age we are taught to obey, follow instruction, do the
right thing. This is so embedded into us that when we are offered a
self-righteous religion it seems very inviting.
It works in a very subtle method that we often miss, if I keep my part
of the bargain, God will be pleased with me and therefore bless me. This
self-righteous attitude of doing my bit to please God is right from the pit of
hell, birth by the tongue of the deceiver in the garden of Eden, and
self-righteousness is the essence of sin,
There is only one way to God and that is
through Christ and his death on the cross. Christ became my sin and took all the
punishment I deserved and in exchange gave me all the riches of heaven by
grace. I now have complete freedom through his subsitutuional sacrifice. The law with its rules and regulations has
been made obsolete and I have Christ living and dwelling inside.
The Bible is God’s love letter to me, his
words of grace. To see it has an instruction manual on how to live my life is
to go back to living by self-righteousness.
The Bible is not a set of rules and instructions on how to behave and
live, it is an overflowing stream of love from a father gentle guiding me and
encouraging me to express the freedom I have received through grace.
When I was born again my old sinful nature
was buried and I have a new sinless nature. I was made holy and righteous in
Christ and the grace that saved me is the same grace that works in me and takes
me from one degree of glory to another.
Thank you Laurie