Out of interested curiosity
I decided to take a look.
Whilst reading through numerous ‘blog posts’ I came across this comment posted by Brad Mcmullen.
I must confess I don’t know who Brad is!
Whilst I may not wholly agree with all the reasons, I thought that they were all very good and showed a great open heart.
So here are Brads: -
15 Reasons I Stayed in Church
1. Because leaving the church is apparently trendy, and I’m not trendy. I’m actually kind of a dork (just ask my wife).
2. Because the church is God’s design for spreading the good news to the world, and I want to be on board with God’s design.
3. Because the church is like Noah’s Ark: it’s stinky a lot of the time, but it’s the only boat we’ve got.
4. Because although blogging is way more cool, worship is way more important.
5. Because my gay friends inside the church need me.
6. Because staying gives my disciple-making efforts a feel of authenticity.
7. Because Facebook “friends” are no substitute for the real thing.
8. Because it can be as bad as everyone says, so if I don’t reform it, who will?
9. Because it’s not usually as bad as everyone says – not a racist, sexist, anti-intellectual country club, but a community of believers struggling to do their best for God.
10. Because I’m selfish and prideful, and no one helps me with that like the church.
11. Because so many others are leaving and in my mind I hear echoes of my mother’s bridge-jump question (if everyone else jumped off a bridge…).
12. Because I considered replicating my church’s food pantry, but I can’t see feeding 130 families every Monday afternoon in my basement
13. Because no one outside my church prays for me like Jean, or reads Scripture like Trae, or shows me how to follow Jesus like Mr. Pat.
14. Because it’s where I’m most likely to encounter the living God.
15. Because I promised I would… “According to the grace given to you, will you remain a faithful member of Christ’s holy church and serve as Christ’s representative in the world?” With God’s help I will.
Thank you Brad
They are certainly thought provoking
As Brad points out in number 3 – “Because the church is like Noah’s Ark: it’s stinky a lot of the time, but it’s the only boat we’ve got.”
And as most of my family and friends can testify
I am stinkier than most others.
Have you any thoughts?
What make you excited about church?
I feel it's very sad that so many people are leaving the church. HOpe that there is better leadership from the top next time, not that RW wasn't a very good and clever man but I wonder if he was the right person to deal with all the difficulties.
ReplyDeleteLet us hope and pray that the CoE gets some grace and faith filled leadership that will encourage people to live in the fullness of all that Christ has provided.