Sunday, 31 May 2020

Map of my Heart.

As time goes on we start to make an internal map of what is wrong and is right. This map is embedded in our subconscious and forms our belief system. It is often this map that steers us through the hundreds of daily decisions we have to make.

This freedom of thought and choice is an essential component of our design because  it means be can we can change our way of thinking and experiencing instead of just repeating the same things over and over again.

The danger with this internal map is that it can blinker our spiritual eyes to the wonderful majesty of Christ that is alive within us. God is constantly uplifting us to know and experience his delight and love that is alive within us.

God gives us hundreds of opportunities every single day to which he wants to open up our eyes to his work within us.

By saying yes to God's delight in us, we open up ourselves to new avenues of the Holy Spirit and therefore we become more conscious of his presence and we awake to his gentle whisper that invites us to engage with him.

It is however always easier to say no than yes. Yes requires courage to engage with God. Yes requires openness and generosity and no keeps things just as they are.

Yes involves risk and no does not. Yes requires trust whereas no requires none.

God's hearts desire is that we enjoy him and delight in him. God has placed his Holy Spirit into us and invites us into the adventure of writing a new map in our hearts. He wants to take us on an adventure to discover the depths of his work in our lives.

Christ says Yes, for the declaration of God  to us all God's promises are YES and AMEN in Christ Jesus. 

God wants to write inside our hearts a new map, and map of his grace, a map of his unconditional love, a map of his delight,  a map of his treasure given to us. It is from this map of God's delight that the Holy Spirit wants to re-configure our subconscious so that all we think and experience is from the majesty, grace and glory of God.

Monday, 25 May 2020

The Ability To Believe

Who we believe we are is who we will become. All of life's rich experiences are moments that have the ability to draw us into a deeper way we believe and frame who we are.

The way we interpret those moments will shape both how we see ourselves and our indentity.  It is so very easy for us get a warped perception of life and who we really are by clinging on to how we live and react when those moments come.

No one's identity is completely fixed. We like to think that that is not the case, but each of us has the ability to alter our perception,  the power to change and more importantly the ability to plant new beliefs and root up old, damaging beliefs. We have the capacity to grow as we live and experience new things within us.

But with this also comes the ability to believe we are something we are not. So on any given day, like a jelly left out in the sunshine, we can alter our belief system and change for the better or worse.

God through the Holy Spirit has given us the opportunity to tap into the resurrection power of Christ within us. Our flexible hearts of who we are can be changed from one degree of glory to another degree of glory. In Christ we are immersed into the river of God's love and delight.

Christ's desire is so abundantly passionate that his heart is that we align our hearts with his finished work at the cross and identify with Him in every experience of life.

This is not impossible because the Holy Spirit is within cascading through us bringing the truth of Christ alive in us. All we have to do is tune into his voice and his gentle nudge.

The world will try to fill our minds with worldly wisdom and a negative perception of life. It will try to diminish your value and promote fear and anxiety. But God has now in Christ NOT given you a spirit of fear, but a new Spirit of power and love and a sound mind .

The loving encouragement of God is that you find your delight in him, you find your purpose in his love for you and you excel in your heart by believing and experiencing his grace alive in you.

Christ in you has the ability and power to change your belief system so that you know and experience the love and power of the Holy Spirit in every golden moment of life.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Word - Rust and Dust

I believe God is saying today, "I am taking away the rust and the dust of your life.  I am removing the rust that has accumulated in your life so that your true self can come to the front and shine.  All the dust that has shadowed your life I am cleaning away, for underneath the rust and the dust is the real you, the real new creation life that has been covered and hidden by the dust of life and the rust of the world."

"My Holy Spirit is working in you removing everything that covers up your life so you can shine in me. All those choices that were made from a basis of fear, doubt, anxiety and unbelief I am removing and clearing away. They have hidden the real you, and it is now time for you to come forth and shine.  It is now time for you to be who I have created you to be."

"You are victorious in me, you are forgiven,  set free, holy, blameless, and you have been released from your captivity.  You are a child of God, a joint-heir with Christ and it is your time to shine."

"Let me remove the rust and the dust, it is my delight to bring forth the bright, shining new creation life that is you. It is my desire that the gold that is in you is brought forth for all to see."

"This is a day to leave behind the dust of life and the rust of the world and shine in the golden glory of Christ alive in you and let the Holy Spirit radiate in everything you are and do."

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Word - 1st May 2020

I feel God is saying, "Keep your focus on Jesus, you have not come this way before."
Out of the blue, I felt God was directing me to Joshua 3:3-4. In this passage God directs the Children of Isreal to keep their eyes on the Ark of the Covenant as they cross the Jordan to enter the Promised Land. The reason God does this is because He knows that they are entering alien territory and they had not come that way before. Before them would be great challenges, various distractions and numerous opportunities to doubt the promises of God. So God instructs them to focus their eyes and their attention on the presence of God manifest in the Ark of the Covanent which will go before them, leading and showing them the way.
I felt God was saying that it is important at this time to focus our attention and our spiritual eyes on Christ. Focus and look to the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We are entering a time that we have not experienced before and it is so easy for us to be fearful of the challenges, daunted by the distractions around us and for us to doubt the promises of God. The world would have us focus on the circumstances, God would have us focus on Christ and his life alive within us.
God is encouraging us to focus on him in the uncertainty, focus on him in the new day of life. There is always a dawn that follows the night. That dawn is the new day of endless possibilities in Christ. That dawn is the realisation that the Holy Spirit lives in you. That dawn is that all the promises of God are YES and AMEN in Christ Jesus.
We may not have come this way before, but God holds us, Christ lives with us and the Holy Spirit is the power that lives in us, directing us and leading us. It is time to focus our eyes on Christ and he will lead us in greater depths of grace upon grace. Christ will lead us in greater realms of freedom and release us into greater realms of glory.