Sunday, 31 March 2019

Our Story

Too often in life we start at the beginning and work our way to the end.
Like a bestselling novel we start with the rags, work our way through the storms and heartbreak before we reach the final happily ever after.
And more often than not we identify with the storms and heartbreak of the present  because that is the centre of our story.
But this amazingly is not reality.
For the reality of the universe and history is Jesus Christ.
And the declaration of Jesus is "IT IS FINISHED. "
So the story of our life is now the story of our life in Christ.
Our story now starts with the finished work of Christ.
Our story starts at the end and works it's way back to the present.
Our story starts from the victory of the resurrection.
Our story starts from the finish line and the gold medal placed around our neck
Our story starts from the New Creation.
And the Holy Spirit works in and through us to declare and show us that we now live in the truth of the New Creation.
We now look back to the cross and now live in the truth of the resurrection .
We don't look forward to the resurrection we live in the day of the resurrection.
Christ is our finished line.
And we are complete in him. .
Jesus Christ is our past, present and future.
We are now alive to Him.
And all the promises of God are YES and AMEN in Christ.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019


One of the most amazing revelations of the Bible is that God accepts you.
God accepts you because Christ's finished work at the cross was complete.
His finished work means that today in Christ you have
Complete victory
Complete freedom
Complete restoration
Complete wholeness
Complete release
Complete life
Complete restoration
Complete peace
And you have been filled with complete faith.
And you are accepted in the grace and goodness of God
And you are the realisation of what the goodness and love of God is.
You are the worship of God's heart
You are the fulfilment of God's dreams
You are the delight of God's desire.
And the best thing you could ever do is receive and delight in God's love for you.
For as you love yourself God is glorified.
As you love yourself God is worshiped.
For loving yourself in Christ is manifesting what God is like.
For in Christ you are the evidence of the love and goodness of God.

Monday, 18 March 2019


Every day we have hundreds of opportunities to engage with the negativity that surrounds us.
In a world full of diagnosis and treatment
We engage the destructive by nullifying it's pain.
More often than not we think in terms of managing and limiting the onslaught of bad news.
But engaging the negativity does not get rid of it,
Instead it is defeated by the positive.
And the positive is rooted in the truth.
For it is knowing the truth that sets us free.
It is a change of perspective
A change of view
A transfer from darkness into light.
A growing awareness of the Holy Spirit inside us, teaching us to realising the New Creation life that now lives inside of us.
The starting point for every situation and circumstance should be Christ.
For in Christ we have arrived and are seated  with Christ in heavenly places.
Christ is the answer.
So let us start with the answer before we are consumed with the questions.

Thursday, 14 March 2019


Life is full of times of waiting.
Kettle's boiling
Microwave pinging
An email in your inbox
Waiting for an answer
Waiting for a connection
Waiting for the word that will change everything.
Waiting for a yes or for a no.
And God is waiting for us.
Not to run to him because He has already arrived inside us.
Not to call out to him because He inhabits our thoughts.
Not to strive because He is our rest.
He waits for us to realise the treasure we have inside.
He waits for us to live in the connection we have with him.
He waits for us to respond to his whisper.
He waits for us to live from the Spirit within and not the feelings that dominate our thoughts
For the Spirit within our hearts is our compass, our peace, our constant connection with heaven.
It's heaven within our hearts.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019


We are surrounded by fences
Fences we build to keep the unwanted out.
Fences to protect our possessions.
Fences to keep, to hold.
But fences keep the glory of God out.
Fences keep the presence of God hidden.
Jesus broke down those fences we built.
In Christ there are no fences.
In Christ there is no need to hide.
For Christ took our shame and gave us his innocence.
Christ took our fear and gave us his love.
Christ took our condemnation and gave us his freedom.
Christ took our captivity and gave us his liberty.
Christ took our guilt and gave us his righteousness.
For his life is freedom from the captivity of the fences we built.
His life in us is the glory of God without limits.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019


You are not wrong to be unique.
There is something in most of us that makes us think that being different is somehow incorrect.
We are often encouraged to hide our uniqueness and suppress what is special.
But we are specially designed for life.
Specially designed to live in life-giving conciousness.
No matter how many preaches and sermons you hear and no matter how many scriptures you read, until the life-giving Spirit breaths on you, you will not truly believe.
For the Spirit changes earth into heaven.
The Spirit brings resurrection life into our heart.
The Spirit declares to us that we are now co-seated with Christ.
The Spirit gives life to our bodies.
When Jesus breathes his life into our hearts, He fills our specially designed uniqueness to come out from the darkness and be filled with light .
His life tells us that in Christ we are one with him.
The life of Christ united with our uniqueness.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Grace Whispers - IV

You are a child of your Father's love and you are beautiful, a captivating image of your father's love and everytime He looks at you it reminds him of the consuming passionate love that created you.

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Grace Whispers -lll

Your worth, your value, and your significance is not riding on who you are or what you do or what other people think of you.

It is riding exclusively on what Jesus has already done for you.

Grace Whispers - ll

For God's love doesn't depend upon you, isn't conditional to your response, it is founded and shown in the sacrifice of Christ who loved and died for you when you had turned your back on him.

Grace Whispers - l

For goodness is found in the depths of experiencing the love of God. And out of this experience all acts of love flow in response to the glory that resides inside.