He overflowed the table of the prodigal with a banquet
He overflowed the vats at the wedding with wine
He overflowed the boat of Peter with fish
He overflowed the baskets of provision after feeding the
He overflowed with healing to the woman who touched his hem
He overflowed with forgiveness to the woman the religious
wanted to stone
He overflowed with living water to the woman at the well
He overflowed with grace to the tax collector hiding in the
He overflowed in kindness to children who gathered to him
He overflowed in compassion to the blind man on the side of
the road
He overflowed in wisdom to those that drew near and listened
He overflowed in love to the woman who poured out her heart
He overflowed himself when they nailed his palms to the tree
He overflowed himself as he took my sin and died as me
He overflowed himself as he rose from the dead into new life
He overflowed himself when he came and dwelt inside of me