Tuesday 9 October 2018

Awakening to Love - #3 - An Ocean Of Love

Key Scripture – “For in Him we live and move and exist” – Acts 17 : 27.

Key Thought – “Choosing Christ is choosing love over fear in every moment and every circumstance and this transforms us from a consciousness of darkness to a consciousness of light.”

How we view God is crucial to what kind of world we live in. The transformation that we need has already happened in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His once and forever death two thousand years ago has opened up heaven and brought the divine into everyday life. His call to us is to come and receive new life, to let heaven dwell in our hearts.

For God no longer lives far away up in the clouds, waiting till we arrive at Heaven's door before he reveals himself, He is found in the heart of every believer who believes and receives him. God resides in his New Creation.  God resides in every action, every thought, every feeling and every breath of every believer.

Recognising that we are now New Creations in Christ is the truth that animates each moment and brings heaven down to earth.  It heals the feeling of separation in our hearts and heals the oppression of our suffering.

It is from this place of knowing and experiencing the life of Christ alive inside that we can begin to see God at work in everyone and in everything. Slowly this realisation of our new life dispels fear, frees us from our struggle and disperses guilt. Here in a New Creation life we are free to express our new unlimited life and be empowered to manifest our Christ given potential.  For, in him we are filled with the majestic beauty of creation and overflow with the joy of a celebrating Father.

Every detail of life - from the mundane to the wonderful - is an opportunity for you to receive all that Christ has provided for you. Everything we need has been given to us in a rainbow-coloured unconditional love that reaches out into the conflict of our world and lays down its life in peace. It is this love that cherishes our every breath and brings healing and restoration to our body and soul. It is a love that invites us to give instead of taking and it is love that ignites desire and puts to death self-reliance. It is a love that has a passion to change and cries out with a response for action. It is a love that says you are valuable and that you are accepted.  It is a love that says it died for you to bring you new life.

It is a love that shows us that truth is found in sacrifice, that to know truth is to know Christ. This truth speaks into the depths of our innermost feelings and expresses the heart of God and it gives us the courage to drop pretences in order to reveal the tenderness of an open heart. 

The truth found in Christ bridges the gap of our humanness and gives us the perfection of our heavenly father.

The whisper of God to each of us is to dive into love even when fear screams at us to run and hide, to open up our hearts into the midst of chaos and encroaching darkness.  This whisper invites us to live in the vastness of God and let him live and work through every moment of our lives. It is calling you!

God is calling you. You are being invited to join the party and become one with your heavenly father.

This whisper asks us to come and become who we were created to be. This whisper says come and take that step of courage and let love conquer your heart.

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